siujfnbasliufaslfnbasfhfhlsai fl TITILE SPAM! • 6:36 AM
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Okay... It has been 16 days since the last post and NO ONE has bothered to post ANYTHING at all? Oh c'mon. Keep this blog alive. I'm starting to lose touch wiv all of you dammit. Well.... Some of you. Especially Jia Qi. Er... Thats her name right? All i know is that she has a mole on her face... NOTHING ELSE! Seriously everyone. KEEP THIS i mean... GREAT THING FROM FRIGGIN DYING! AND I BET SOME OF YOU 6BIANS DON'T EVEN VISIT THIS BLOG! I know how hard secondary life is. I just had another paper today. History. But some of you still have about a week till midyear exams. Why don't you guys just post?
SIAN LAH!!!! • 3:20 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Oi! All you butts. Only I am posting nowadays. VERY SIAN LEH!!!!! SOMEONE FRIGGIN POST LAH!!!! I tio punch by an NCC asshole in school for no reason!! I WAS DRINKING ME WATER FROM ME 1.8 LITRES WATER BOTTLE, THEN SOMEONE SHOUTED,"NCC DOG!!!" THEN HE COME UP TO ME HIT MY FACE WITH ME WATER BOTTLE!!! FULL TANK SIA!!!! He lucky i in a very good mood, or he's dead. He's about Yek Wei's height. Haha. Shorty. Anyway, hitting him will only dirty my hands. And besides... got camera right behind me. HAHA!!! NCC DOG!! 6Bians.... Wanna go gang him at my school? Oh yeah, there's also a forest where the NCC trains occasionally. Maybe y'all wanna go there sometime? Oh yeah... and a monkey crept into my sleeping bag when i was having my volleyball camp. Noobish monkey...-.-